
The UK government wants to ban vape flavours

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Dear MP,

Despite saving lives, vaping is under threat.

By embracing vapes, the United Kingdom has become a world leader in the fight against the harm caused by cigarettes. It is essential that we don’t allow this progress to be reversed.

Public Health England has stated that vaping is a 95% less harmful alternative to smoking, delivering nicotine whilst allowing smokers to protect themselves from the dangerous chemicals released by cigarettes.

Despite the evidence supporting its benefits, vaping faces a significant threat. The UK government is actively pursuing stringent measures to prohibit vape flavours, despite the fact that 4.8 million individuals in the UK rely on flavoured vape products as a safer alternative to deadly combustible cigarettes.

The UK must stand up for our pragmatic, evidence-based harm reduction approach.

As my MP, I hope that you will encourage the Government to stand up for my rights and save vaping.

Kind regards,